How is GBB changing lives?

Today I was able to have lunch with Trish Arney. She shared her story on our Facebook page on December 31st, 2019.

Hello John Higginbotham😊 About a year and a month ago I was living in the woods with my dog, starving, freezing, terrified and running from a horrible and your organization helped save my and my dog's life and I just want to say Thank you from the bottom of my heart. We are currently in our own apartment, I have a stable job, and am healing more and more each day. I thank God for all of you who dedicate yourselves to this ministry and I hope this New Year brings you all of the blessings you have so graciously given. HAPPY NEW YEAR and God bless❤

We had a nice time sharing how GBB has impacted both of our lives. I met her dog Halo and we took this picture of the three of us. I am honored and blessed to see how lives are being affected through the gift of a bucket. Trish said she would keep in touch and update me on her journey.

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